Saturday, June 15, 2013

Renewing our Vows

I had to travel for work for several months, and when I returned my virtual wife and I renewed our vows, this time with the help of an actual SLebrity Minister, Jimbo Quality of The Alphaville Herald.

Jimbo's ceremony was, uh, unique:

Jimbo Quality: Alright we ready? I was promised a sandwich.
Carol : all ready,
Carol  smiles
Timothy Morpork: ready
Jimbo Quality: Ok, we are gathered today to get through this thing called life
Carol  smiles
Jimbo Quality: something something let's get crazy
Jimbo Quality: Do you Timothy take Carol to be your SL woman, to have and to hold and to twiddle her pixel bits?
Timothy Morpork: I do
Jimbo Quality: Do you Carol Take Timothy to be your SL man, to have and to hold and to make sandwiches for?
Carol : I do
Jimbo Quality: The by the power vested in me by the great goddamn bird, I pronounce you SL Dude and Dudette. You may make me a sandwich.
Timothy Morpork: That's a moving ceremony, Jimbo, you write that yourself?
Jimbo Quality: No, had some help and forgot most of it. It's totally legit though.

As part of his fee, (a sandwich made by my wife), Jimbo said he would even provide "wedding photos." Here they are:

It's great to be back, and re-married to the greatest woman in SL. Now onto the honeymoon!

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